choose your own adventure

The more I know, the more I realize how much there is that I don't. The older I get, the more I realize how precious the time I have left is. Since the start of 2015, and especially since my birthday, I've been treating each week like it's my last. My whole life has become a choose-your-own-adventure storybook--for example, the past couple weeks have encompassed NYC for Diesel, a solo backpacking trip to the UK, a Palm Springs getaway, Tennessee for Bonnaroo with Teva, a Joshua Tree weekender, sky diving (!!!),  and a Catalina Island fishing trip on a yacht, all peppered with momentary lulls in Los Angeles. Life is too precious and my spirit is too wild (or, dare I say it, feral) to be complacent with never-changing surroundings and experiences. I didn't have anything in particular coming up this week/end so I booked a spontaneous flight to my second home, NYC. Excited to show you things I'll be working on there. I'm forever grateful that my career and my lust for living exist in perfect synergy.

The Look:
PYLO top.
The Fifth shorts.
Capwell+Co earrings.

photography by Randy Tran


  1. Everyone should grab life like you have this year, beautifully wild spirit xx

    Dana ||

  2. I've been seeing those shoes everywhere lately. I'm very tempted to get a pair, since I'm not a huge fan of stilettos and those look SLIGHTLY more comfy haha. The only issue is that I have a boyfriend who isn't that much taller than me so when I wear 3 inches or more, I'm his height or taller. But, haha, I guess he'll have to deal.


    COFFEESLAG Deal Of The Day

  3. Wishing that I'm able to grab a hold of life as spontaneously and full of energy as you, but it's been a slow trudge recently. Ahh, I'll get there. So loving your shoes, and have a great time in NYC; excited to see what you'll show us!

    May | THE MAYDEN

  4. Living life to the full is so important. Love the shirt, it's really sleek and 70's style.
    | |

  5. Killing it in the style department as always!

    That's a great life ideal to have. Your instagram and snapchat are always lively, and I guess it's easy to assume that's what your life is like. But it's refreshing to know it's somewhat a conscious effort, but it's a wholly positive notion to live by.

    Life really is too short. To wait, or to just wish, we've all got to do more for ourselves.

    Shanelle || What Would Grace Kelly Say?


  6. Magical look! Love the laid back chic of it. Happiness.
    As always your insight is captivating.

  7. As usual, you look amazing! Love the tie-up element of your shirt and how the platform shoes really add an extra edge to your outfit
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